The Uber transportation network has been implemented in over 300 cities in the United States of America since founded back in 2009 under the name UberCab. It first launched in 2012 gradually for majority of Canadian cities like Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec City, Red Deer, Saskatoon, Hamilton, Kitchener-Waterloo, Lethbridge, Kingston, Niagara Region, London-Ontario, Gatineau, Halifax, Windsor, Winnipeg, Calgary and Edmonton now in 2019 have access to the pilot Uber network.

Rest of the cities in Canada are yet to implement Uber transportation network. Some people in Canada do not like the idea of driving Uber since they are afraid of over usage of their cars and the hassle of getting not exactly cheap car insurance.
Although I’m not exactly sure what’s the situation in the U.S. like, it’s pretty obvious their Beta testing proves to be working well as Uber Pro seems to have expanded to 100% of its states and covering tuition at Arizona State University fully.

Although these may seem like setbacks, there are many advantages of Uber including recently introduced pilot in Canada- UberPro. If you are driving your own car and getting consistent high ratings, you have a good chance of earning points and as a result unlock high earnings and other rewards. These types of incentives and improvements of Uber services and its new UberPro features benefit clients and also the drivers, basically win-win situation for everyone!
This promotion will definitely help Uber drivers in Canada, especially in major Canadian cities in which the transport system is still being tested and improved.
In some of these cities, customers are getting attracted to the convenience of using Uber and prefer it to any other means of transportation. The Uber program contains three types of benefits which include “keep more money in your pocket” which works depending on your current promotion status. More rides entails more priorities. The second is “more support on the road” which includes repairs and discounts on maintaineance and fuel. Finally “opportunities for you and your family” which means that the benefits can sometimes be extended to your family and they might be able to avail many offers and discounts.

These benefits are only awarded when a driver earns more points and is consistent in his performance. With the system in place, it is very easy for a Canadian Uber driver to earn more points, since the traffic situation in Canada is in most parts better, compared to other countries.

Being an Uber driver in Canada has certain advantages, prioritized over others by most is the fact that you are your own boss, therefore drive and earn extra income whenever you decide to. Even if you do not possess some technical skill or college degree you can sign up to become an Uber driver. All you need is safe and effective driving methods. This mostly works for foreigners, immigrants, athletes, students or aspiring entrepreneurs with limited employment opportunities and require flexible schedule to be able to work on their own projects rather than someone else’s assignments. Thanks to this great earning potential in their free time they can improve their linguistic skills, learn the whereabouts of the neighbourhood and decide when and how long they work on any given day. This way it will gradually give them more confidence to be able to converse both in English and French which, as you may all know are the official languages in Canada. Furthermore, Uber app does not require a specific car in order to register to become a driver. All one needs is a full G drivers license, be over 21 years old with a vehicle not older than 7 years. Even though it is a pilot program in Canada, driver’s ratings are important and they play a major role in how much tips and perks a driver is able to accumulate. Driver may receive extra tips from customers depending on how they interact and the quality of service offered to the customer. The more welcoming and helpful you are to your client, the greater the chance of 5 star rating + tips being received from your passengers.

Although not all countries implement a policy that payments be delivered every day but in Canada you are assured to receive money on a daily basis. The money is transferred to your bank account or whatever payment method available you choose to use.
For students, professionals or even housewives, Uber provides a door to door means of transport when you have no other options available. It offers instant service and a guaranteed standard of service being offered. Thus client base of Uber is surely to expand even more significantly in Canada and its always growing cities.